Welcome! Bienvenu! Annie Zean Dunbar is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the College of Public Service at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.

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Annie Zean Dunbar is a researcher, educator, social worker, and artist.

Her research interests include racial identity formation, trauma and reconciliation, mutual aid and community care, and long term refugee and (im)migrant resettlement organizations in the United States. Zean’s creative writing centers community conceptions of truth and omission, the liminal space between understanding self and others, and an examination of memory. She is a co-founder of Interstitial Media Arts (IMA) a creative consulting firm and Connect-the- Dots, an arts-based organization focused on examining social constructs and human connection.

Zean received her doctrate from the Graduate School of Social Work at the University of Denver. She received her Masters from the Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy and Practice at the University of Chicago with a program of study in International Social Welfare. Annie Zean is a 2014 Fellow of the Pozen Family Center for Human Rights at the University of Chicago, and holds a certificate in Forced Migration from the Center for Refugee Studies at York University.

She was the Social Media Lead for the Emerging Scholars and Practitioner on Migration Issues (ESPMI) Network. Zean would describe herself as a post-goth black woman, perpetual optimist, with an affinity for commas, sing-alongs, and referential humor.




University of Denver

Graduate School of Social Work

Doctor of Philosophy
June 2024 (expected)

University of Chicago

School of Social Service Administration

Masters in Social Service Administration
June 2015 (earned)
Global Social Development Practice

Simmons University

Bachelors of Arts

May 2010 (earned)
Major: Psychology Minor: English

Research Experience


Refugee Social Service Providers: A Phenomenological Study

Annie Zean Dunbar

Principle Investigator
  • Created and executed a pilot study which looked at the lived experience of social service workers who are former refugees and immigrants to the United States. A sample of six (n=6) participants were interviewed. Data analysis using inducive coding methods, and themes were orgnzed based on participant perspectives and exerpts. Findings were shared at the CSWE 2020 Annual Meeting Program.

Our Stories, Our Medicine Archives (OSOMA)

Dr. Ramona Beltran

Graduate Research Assistant
September 2019 - present
  • Conduct data collection, management, and analysis for a project which looks at Indigenous health knowlede and practices and the creation of an archive of Indigenous health and medicine informaiton. Supports the writing of peer-reviewed articles that use an Inidgenist feminist perspective.

Mutual Aid Research Project

Dr. Kimberly Bender and Dr. Danielle Littman

March 2020-Present
  • Co-design research project. Provide qualitative data collection and data analysis for research project on the role of mutual aid and community care as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Lead manuscript writing, support the building of conceptual frameworks, and provide writing and editing assistance for grants. [see **Dunbar et al. (2023)** [Using foresight practice to imagine the future(s) of mutual aid](https://ejournals.bib.uni-wuppertal.de/index.php/sws/article/view/841).]

Exploring the Lived Experience of Racialized Ageism Among Older Adults: A Phenomenological Study

Dr. Andrew Steward

March 2021-May 2022
  • Analyzed data for this qualitative study explored the following research question from a phenomenological perspective: “What is the lived experience of racialized ageism among diverse older adults?” Twenty participants 60+ years of age (M=69) in the U.S. Mountain West identifying as Black, Latino(a), Asian-American/Pacific Islander, Indigenous, or White engaged in a one-hour interview between February and July 2021. Supported the writing of peer-review manuscripts (in progress).

Nextions, LLC. Multiple client-based research projects and studies

Dr. Arin Reeves

Research Projects Manager
May 2018 - February 2019
  • Provide qualitative and quantitative data analysis for client-drive projects which looked at compnay experienes with Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and implicite bias.

Newpoint Healthcare Advisors, Multiple client-based research projects and studies

Dr. Carol Geffner and Mrs. Barbara Ladon, MA

Research Associate
March 2015 - June 2018
  • Provide qualitative and quantitative data analysis for healthcare related projects. Supported grant writing and research.

New Communities Study

Dr. Jessica H. Darrow

Research Assistant
July 2015 - September 2015
  • Provide secondary data and assisted in report writing and deliver of Phase I of multiphase study for Refugee Resettlement agencies in Chicagoland area.



Dunbar, A.Z., Littman, D.M., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Saavedra, K., Melton, C.C., Milligan, & Bogle, C. (2023). Using foresight practice to imagine the future(s) of mutual aid. Social Work and Society, Special Issue What social work does the world need now? Social Work Futures?
Littman, D.M., Morris, K., Hostetter, C.R., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Holloway, B., Dunbar, A. Z., & Sarantakos, S (2023). How do participants conceptualize mutual aid in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic? A critical phenomenological analysis. The Journal of Community Practice. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705422.2023.2210136
Thibodeau Shah, P., Park, I.Y., Dunbar, A.Z., and He, A. (2023). What makes a good learning culture? The role of professional development among child welfare workers. Children and Youth Services Review.
Steward, A., De Fries, C., Dunbar, A. Z., Trujillo, M., Zhu, Y., Nicotera, N., & Hasche, L. (2023). A Phenomenological Understanding of the Intersectionality of Ageism and Racism Among Older Adults: Individual-Level Experiences. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences.
Littman, D.M., Boyett, M., Bender, K., Dunbar, A.Z., Santarella, M., Becker-Hafnor, T., Saavedra, K., Milligan, T. (2021) Values and beliefs underlying mutual aid: An exploration of collective care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal for the Society of Social Work and Research.
Bender, K., Littman, D.L., Dunbar, A. Z. Boyetta, M., Milligana, T., Santarella, M., Becker-Hafnor, T., (2021) Emergent media scan of digital mutual aid organizing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Speical Issue “Digital Organizing: Definitions, Applications,Methods and Ethic” Journal of Community Practice. DOI: 10.108010705422.2021.1980477
Beltran, R., Alvarez, A., Colón, L., Alamillo, X., Dunbar, A.Z. (2020). La Cultura Cura: An Exploration of Enculturation in A Community-Based Culture-Centered HIV Prevention Curriculum for Indigenous Youth. Special Issue “Community-engaged Indigenous Research Across the Globe” Genealogy, Vol 4(1).
Dunbar, A.Z., Lloyd, J., Ramirez, L., Taylor, S. (2016). Outcome Evaluation of an International Diversity Curriculum. Advocates Forum, University of Chicago.


Dunbar, A.Z. (2019). The Digital Wake: pulvis et umbra sumus. The Sick Muse. Vol. 11. Retrieved from: https://issuu.com/thesickmuse/docs/tsm11_full_pdfs
Bohere, M.T., Dunbar, A.Z., Mañibo, D. Michael, J. (2018). |][\. Self-Published artist book.
Dunbar, A.Z. (2008) She stained her Ink with Skin. Sidelines the Simmons College Art and Literary Magazine. Simmons University.
Dunbar, A.Z. (2007). Street Care News, Not Blues. Where the Road Begins, an Anthology. The Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL), Inc.
Dunbar, A.Z. (2007). Chaud, Walking in the Midst of the Freeze. Where the Road Begins, an Anthology. The Cultural Organization of Lowell (COOL), Inc.



Interrogating help: What becomes of social workers when we center mutual aid?
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2021 Annual Program Meeting (APM). Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice Track. Accepted Interactive Workshop. Dunbar, A.Z., Littman, D.M., Bender, K.
Understanding how preparation and professional development impact learning culture in child welfare.
The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2021 Annual Program Meeting (APM). Child Welfare Track. Accepted Poster. Dunbar, A.Z., Shah, P. Park, I. Y., and He, A.
“Because it’s not going to be pretty unless we work together:” Where does mutual aid fit into the future of social work? Panel presentation. What social work does the world need now? Social Work Futures? Research Group at Glasgow Caledonian University. The United Kingdom. Digital Conference. Dunbar, A. Z., Milligan, T., Littman, D.M., Bender, K.,
Cultural Interpretation: a phenomenological study of refugee service providers with migration experiences. Poster Presentation. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) 2020 Annual Program Meeting (APM). Virtual due to COVID-19.
Owning the Wood That Becomes the Table: Moving Beyond Asking for A Seat at the Table - Millennials and Gen Z Refugees - Creating Wealth, Shaping Policy and Reclaiming the Decision-making Process. International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Annual Conference 2020: Disrupting Theory, Unsettling Practice: Towards Transformative Forced Migration Scholarship and Policy. Accra, Ghana. Roundtable. Akinyemi, A., Dunbar, A.Z., Kuntzelman, C., Brown Crosby, D., Sorensen, J., & Yacob-Haliso, O. Chair Bah, J.
Methodological Challenges in Forced Migration Research
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2018 Ottawa, Canada. Panel Discussant. Wojnarowicz, K., Dunbar, A.Z., Khan, T., Jackson, S., Oucho, L., & Vanyoro, K.
Bridging Forced Migration Research to Policy and Practice
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) 2018 Ottawa, Canada. Panel Discussant. Ciaschi, P., Frydenlund, E., Bilotta,N., & Dunbar, A.Z.
Methodological Challenges in Forced Migration Research
International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Annual Conference 2018: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large. Invited Panel Discussant. Wojnarowicz, K., Dunbar, A.Z., Khan, T., Jackson, S., Oucho, L., & Vanyoro, K.
Bridging Forced Migration Research to Policy and Practice.
International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Annual Conference 2018: Whither Refugees? Restrictionism, Crises and Precarity Writ Large. Invited Panel Discussant. Wojnarowicz, K., Dunbar, A.Z., Khan, T., Jackson, S., Oucho, L., & Vanyoro, K.
Community, Dialogue, and the Barriers to Resettlement: A look at Chicago
Working paper. Center for Forced Migration Studies Northwestern University Working Group. Working Paper Presenter.
Community, Dialogue, and the Barriers to Resettlement: A look at Chicago 11th Annual Center for Refugee Studies, York University Student Caucus Conference: The Production of Forced Migration. Working Paper Presenter.


Mutual Aid as Emergent Practice: Understanding Mutual Aid in the Past, Present and Future. University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work. Virtual Continuing Education workshop in the Civic Series.
Teaching about Refugees, Forced Migration, and African Integration.
African Studies Association (ASA). Conference Presenter.
Refugee Resettlement Process.
Hyde Park Refugee Project, Coming to America. Conference Presenter.

Teaching Experience


Graduate School of Social Work

Instructor, Spring 2022

  • Community and Macro Social Work Theory and Practice section 504

Graduate School of Social Work University of Denver

Adjunct Instructor, Summer Quarters 2020, 2021

  • SOWK 4340 Leadership and Supervision Skills

Simmons University

Co-Facilitator, September-December 2009

  • Simmons College First Year Experience, a semester long Pass/Fail course about college acclimation for first year students.



Angelica Village

Board Member, Present

  • • Provide direct guidance and support to Director/Community Support Partner. Engage in dialogue to create a common culture of mission/vision and inclusivity (i.e. anti-oppression work) • Guide mission driven, responsible (financially/socially etc.) decisions that impact the whole community and the direction of Angelica Village.

Surf Sisters for Science

Board Member, 2018-2020

  • Assist and create foundational and operational policies and procedures for the 501c3 Surf Sisters for Science. Provide expertise in grant seeking to develop robust funding portfolio.

Pozen Family Center for Human Rights, University of Chicago

Internship Committee Member, Application Cycle 2018 & 2019

  • Review applications for the Human Rights Internship. Interview applicants and submit feedback to larger committee for selection of 2019 and 2020 cohorts.


Co-Founder, 2015-Present

  • Created arts and community-based organization to examine social construct through multidisciplinary and experiential events and workshops.
  • Executed two symposiums: gRace: a graceful dialogue on race and Democritique.

The Overlook Place

Artist in Residence, March 2018 - July 2018

  • Created self-published art-book (run of 50) with collaborations as part of Multitude Artist Residency. Executed two artist performance and fundraiser raising $1000 for the Overlook Place.

University of Chicago Collegiate Scholars Program

Volunteer, Application Cycle 2014 - 2018

  • Review up to 30 applications of potential participants to the program. Interview cohort of students during second phase of the application process. Review final applicants and select cohort of 50 students for each academic year.

Simmons Scott/Ross Center for Community Service

Fundraising Committee, May 2011 - October 2011

  • Collaborated with 30 Scott/Ross Center Alumnae to raise $145,000 for Steve London Scholarships though Scott/Ross Center for Community Service.

Other Professional Experience


Emerging Scholars and Practitioners in Migration Issues (ESPMI) Network

Social Media Lead, 2018-present

  • Execute all social media outreach and newsletter digest. Lead on ESPMI Guest Twitter Project, provides outreach for Refugee Review, the ESPMI Network peer-reviewed e-journal.

Center for Forced Migration Studies at Northwestern University

Program Coordinator, October 2015 - February 2018

  • Coordinated programming for Buffet Institute for Global Studies funded Group. Developed and executed all plans and arranges meetings, workshops, events, etc.
  • Designed to exchange information, promote research objectives, and to build internal and external relationships within Northwestern.
  • Created and executed two-week long summer courses, two World Refugee Day art and music installations with the City of Chicago and community partners.
  • Created and executed interdisciplinary graduate student workshop Reframing Research on op-ed writing of dissertation research.

University of Chicago Collegiate Scholars Program

Office Administrator, October 2013 - September 2016

  • Conducted special events preparation on the University of Chicago campus and in the city of Chicago.
  • Executed and facilitated summer training course including coordination of promotional materials and volunteer coordination.

Grants & Fellowships


University of Denver

Graduate Education Doctoral Fellowship for Inclusive Engagement for 2021-22, $9000


University of Denver

Graduate School of Social Work Summer Mentored Scholar Award Summer 2021, $1750


University of Denver

Graduate School of Social Work Summer Mentored Scholar Award Summer 2020, $3500


University of Denver

Graduate Education Doctoral Fellowship 2019-2020, $9,000


Knowledge Cluster Project: Connecting Emerging Scholars and Practitioners to Foster Critical Reflections and Innovation on Migration Research

SSHRC-CRSH Connection Grant, $3300 CAD


Pozen Family Center for Human Rights Internship

Human Rights Intern, $5000


Buffett Institute for Global Studies

Reframing Research Graduate Student Workshop, $3000


University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work

Outstanding Dissertation Award,$1000



York University, Centre for Refugee Studies.

Summer Course on Refugees and Forced Migration.


Northwestern University, Center for Forced Migration Studies.

Summer Institute: Refugee Protection and the Rights and Process of (Re) Settlement.


  • Society for Social Work and Research
  • International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
  • The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE)
  • Black Doctoral Network

Teaching Interests

  • Refugee and Immigrant Social Work
  • Theory
  • Power, Privilege, and Oppression
  • Praxis in Social Work
  • Social Policy

Research Interests

  • Refugee/Immigrant Integration; Organizational Theory; Mutual Aid Organizations; Immigration
  • Race(ism)
  • and Racialization; Racial justice and equity; Social Justice and Human Rights; Marginalization and Liberation


Chaud, walking in the midst of the freeze

If I were to run right now, it would be because of cowardice
and I would hate to see the wind playing games
with my coattail …

Opinion: In a crisis, mutual aid steps in when governments fall short

We can start by creating systems of collective care that make the sharing of social capital and resources the norm.
April 7, 2021

Opinion: Why we need immigration reform, and why Biden’s policies are a good start

The belief that people are somehow different for moving across arbitrary borders is a phantasm that I don’t know how we’ve managed to perpetuate.
March 9, 2021

Owls and women are very similar

Do you remember the first time you stayed up all night?
I was eight.
The night was a fascinating experience I could not indulge in …

Streetcar news, not blues

Cast down eyes.
Staring into the vast everglades of the subway floor is the closest I’ve come to
I feel the form of a person sit beside me …

Zean's Positionality

|][\ (vertical bar : closed bracket : open bracket : backslash, 2018)

Self-published art-book (run of 50) with collaborations created as part of Multitude Artist Residency.

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